- Provides UVB, UVA visible light & Infrared (heat) energy from a single lamp.
- 35 degree beam angle for wide basking area.
- Average life 6.000 hours.
- No external ballast required.
- 6 months guarantee.
- Includes detailed instruction sheet.
- Provides source of UVA and UVB.
- Important for reptiles development and health.
- Aids the synthesis of Vitamin D3.
- Helps prevent metabolic bone disease.
- Stimulates reproduction.
Mercury vapours lamps have been around for many years, originally used in the automotive industry where the UV was to dry certain types of paint efficiently. These lamps were first brought into the reptile world after a reptile rescue centre realised how poor the UV lamps that were on offer and developed the grandfather of all the mercury vapour lamps, we use today.
Mercury vapour self-ballasted combination lamps sounds very complicated, so let’s break that down to help explain. The Self Ballast means that each lamp has their own starter unit build inside, so you don’t need to buy any more hardware to make this lamp work. The combination part means the lamp will give you heat, light and UV and when we say UV, we mean UVA and UVB
Originally designed for large enclosures for high UV demanding animals such as iguana, bearded dragon’s and tortoises for example, now commonly used over tortoise tables throughout the industry. Mercury vapour lamps are favoured by zoos and breeders due to the high UV output and large spread. A mercury vapour lamp can be cost-effective when you think you get three products in one for heat, light and UV. At Reptile Systems we have made a full range of sizes for small, medium and large enclosures, these include our 70w, 80w, 100w and 160.
All Reptile Systems mercury vapour lamps are triple checked; firstly, at the manufacturing stage, each lamp is plugged in to make sure they’re working and the UVI output is checked. This is to ensure the output fits the guidelines that Reptile Systems set for their products. The product is then shipped to Germany where it is switched on and the UVI checked again. Once checked and passed the product is etched and boxed before sending to France which is where Reptile Systems headquarters are based, a box from each batch is sent to the UK testing facility to make sure the lamp is working and the UVI checked again, once passed for the 3rd time the lamps then go on sale. All the lamps are tested in our large UK testing centre where we have over 200 lamps on test at any one time. Lamps are checked to meet multiple parameters making sure that they reach our high standards.
Reptile Systems produce high quality, reliable mercury vapour lamps. In terms of UVI output, our 80w lamp is equivalent to most manufacturers 100w lamp and our 100w lamp is equivalent to most manufacturers 160w lamp. Reptile Systems even produce a 160 lamp which uses only 125 watts, this lamp has been re-designed by experts in combination with Reptile Systems to provide the correct heat, light and UV but by using less wattage. Reptile Systems 70w mercury vapour is based on the same design as the rest of the range but in a smaller lamp. Its aim is for use in smaller enclosures but please note the 70w is more of a “spot” than the other three sizes. Reptile Systems mercury vapours provide UVA and UVB for reptiles, aiding vision as well as the production of vitamin D3, which is essential in synthesises calcium for healthy bones, thus reducing the risk of Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD). Reptile Systems mercury vapour lamps are still working with good UVI levels, even after twelve months.
When installing your mercury vapour lamp, you must make sure that your lamp is installed in the vertical position. They must not be fitted horizontally, or even at an angle, as this damages the filaments inside and greatly reduces the lifespan of the lamp. It will also invalidate any warrantee.
Mercury vapour lamps cannot be used with a thermostat however they can run on a simple timer.
One of our frequently asked questions is “why doesn’t my lamp work?” There is a good reason for this! Safety features built-in to the lamp, protect it against wide voltage fluctuations and overheating.
If your lamp doesn’t switch on after a power cut or if you have turned it off, we recommend allowing it to cool for 20 minutes before turning the lamp back on again. This is a common occurrence with the technology in mercury vapour lamps. If you live in an area prone to voltage variations, your lamp may flicker. We always recommend surge protectors to be used with all electrical products.
One of the questions we often get asked is “what lamp do I need?”. There are several factors that can determine which size mercury vapour lamp you need: enclosure size, décor, basking distance you have for the animal and the UVI level you’re trying to achieve for that species. We always recommend you go to an expert retailer and ask them for advice, I’m sure they will be happy to help. Alternatively, you can check out our Facebook, YouTube and website for more information.
We go to these extreme measures of quality and reliability as animal welfare is our top priority